
Most of us don’t understand domestic abuse. We think it’s a family ‘thing’ and we shouldn’t interfere. Most believe some women are just weak, that they are flawed, and they wouldn’t put up with ‘it’ for five minutes.

The belief that domestic abuse is only physical violence, in reality, most domestic abuse isn’t physically violent.

There is a belief within the Church that God hates divorce, that divorce is a sin, and marriage is to be protected.

I help survivors and volunteers understand the dynamics of domestic abuse.

Book, abuse, healing

Hope for Healing from Domestic Abuse

Book, abuse, healing
Speaker Topics
  • There Are Some Things Worse Than Domestic Abuse
  • Jesus Is The Treasure Hidden In The Darkness
  • The Symptoms of Domestic Abuse
  • Understanding Trauma and The Impact of Trauma on Survivors
  • Training Church leaders on trauma and how to recognize and handle domestic abuse

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